Search engine marketing is a form of paid marketing to promote your business through short advertisements appearing on the first pages of search engines. These will be labelled ‘Ad’ and will often appear at the top of the page when people search for your targeted keywords. 把你的生意推广为 搜索引擎上的付费广告 often doubles the chances of having your website clicked on as compared to ranking high through organic keyword optimisation.
To get your business advertised you will need to purchase them through a bidding process. Search engines will determine the placement of your ads based on this as well as your website’s Click Through Rates (CTR). 这整个过程被称为“点击付费”或PPC广告, 只有当你的广告被点击时,你才会付费.
在澳门十大赌厅app下载, 澳大利亚领先的付费广告公司, we offer our clients a comprehensive result-oriented strategy at minimal cost and profitable returns to drive your business growth. 利用我们的力量 搜索引擎营销 服务和吸引你的业务应该针对的客户.
绝对. 澳门十大赌厅app下载’s SEM services include our experts coming up with a solution built around your business to achieve just that. 我们专注于 定制付费营销策略 这些保证会把你放在页面的顶端.
We pride ourselves on delivering effective SEM services that drive growth in revenue. 作为一家领先的付费广告公司, we are uniquely skilled to conduct comprehensive research and analysis of successful strategy requirements in your industry.
选择正确的关键词对于吸引相关受众至关重要. 作为我们SEM服务的一部分, 我们根据您的业务性质和类型进行关键词分析. We then help you choose exactly the keywords that add value to your campaigns and increase revenues.
我们的活动是针对每个客户的业务需求而设计的. 作为一家经验丰富的点击付费广告公司, our experts analyse your business practices to provide a strategy that will be in complete sync with your business. 然后,我们可以根据不断变化的市场趋势对计划进行优化.
We leverage our skills as a PPC advertising company to execute the strategy through both local and Bing campaigns for increased reach.
Our analysts then monitor your traffic and help you streamline an approach that maximises conversions.
最后, we provide you with a complete analysis including the metrics of our SEM campaign to give you a comprehensive idea of your next course of action for current and future plans.
文字广告, 显示在搜索结果页面的顶部, comprises of a link to your website and a small description including a title about your product or services. 这为人们提供了一个直接链接到你的网页.
不同于文字广告, 展示广告有多种形式,并且严重依赖于富媒体, audio, 产品或服务的视频或图像. 这些广告通常比简单的文字广告更有吸引力.
Targeting your audience on social media sites and displaying your ad on different platforms like Google, 脸谱网, 推特和Pinterest可以帮助你与更多的客户建立联系.
视频广告 are an exciting way of reaching and capturing the attention of a wide audience on YouTube and across the internet. 视频广告, you can bring your business to life by creating and developing an interesting audio-visual to engage your audience.
购物广告 are used by retailers to promote their products and find better qualified leads. The ads are managed through Google AdWords Merchant Center where the display of ads is determined by the existing product data available rather than keywords on the page. 产品数据包含您交易的每种产品的详细信息. This gives you the flexibility to promote your products on different Google platforms like Google Shopping, 谷歌搜索, 和谷歌搜索合作伙伴网站.